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Television is Here to Stay

3D Animation

February, 2024

Video Art, Found Footage Project

Television is Here to Stay is a short 3D animated dark comedy film, which investigates and critiques television’s lasting influence on culture.

Project Proposal:

Although cable television itself is being phased out by internet platforms such as YouTube and more recently TikTok, television’s influence is still heavily present on those platforms. A more obvious example of this influence can be seen in the form of massively popular YouTube Shorts that take funny moments from shows and play them in rapid succession. These Shorts are often accompanied by mind-numbing and yet simultaneously over-stimulating clips of popular videogames, such as Subway Surfers.

The most fascinating part about these videos - to me at least - is that the networks who own these TV shows are generally the ones receiving any revenue from the ads that play on Shorts, Reels, or TikToks. What I take away from this is the following: although the medium of cable TV is clearly on its way out, television itself is still profiting and is just as clearly here to stay - even if only in a strange, melted down, Frankenstein form. This short film is a critique on the effects that this melting down of entertainment is having on the audiences who consume it.

In October, 2024 Television is Here to Stay premiered at the Noli Me Tangere Film Festival in London, UK.